Google India has introduced “Good to Know”, a nationwide campaign to raise awareness around staying safe online. Google has tied up with the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and the Voluntary Organization in the Interest of Consumer Education (VOICE) for this campaign, which includes a series of online safety workshops that will reach schools, NGOs, consumer and industry groups across India.
The campaign is endorsed by the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) - the Government of India’s nodal agency that deals with cyber security threats; the Data Security Council of India (DSCI) and the Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI).
To begin the Good to Know campaign, the Digital Empowerment Foundation and VOICE will hold a week-long series of educational events in New Delhi. This will be followed by digital literacy and online safety workshops in Pune, Kanpur, Guwahati and Lucknow. VOICE will focus especially on outreach to schools and NGOs across the country, teaching tips and tricks to help families become responsible digital citizens.
You can find more details about the campaign at Google's Good to Know website.
“Through the Good to Know campaign, we want to help equip millions of new Internet users coming online in India with the knowledge and tools needed to become responsible digital citizens. Internet safety begins with exercising meaningful choices when online, having an open conversation about it with our families, and teaching them the basics such as using strong, unique passwords and not sharing personal information,” says Chetan Krishnaswamy, Country Head - Public Policy, Google India.
"This Safer Internet Day, let's pledge to be responsible users of the Internet. This is an excellent initiative by Google, DEF, Consumer Voice and CERT-In to create awareness about the simple ways through which we can stay safe and secure online. I hope to see many more initiatives of this kind as an increasing number of Indians come online, especially the youth,” says J Satyanarayana, Secretary, Department of Electronics and IT, Ministry of Communications and IT.
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