Motorola India today revealed that it had resolved the problem of Moto G smartphones with unregistered IMEI numbers, a problem that may have caused some units of the popular Android smartphone sold in India to not work on domestic networks. Motorola apologized for the issue and said that it had offered affected customers both a full refund and the choice to replace the faulty handset, apart from a Rs. 1,200 credit to their Flipkart accounts. We do not know how many users were affected by the IMEI problem nor how many chose to return their handsets for a refund, and both Motorola and Flipkart haven't released any figures.
Motorola stated that it has reached out to the customers who bought 16GB Moto G units with an IMEI number that began with 3533, as these were the units that were most likely facing issues. Motorola also disclosed that the problem was "one-off" and that it had taken measures to ensure that the error didn't happen again.
Source: The Economic Times
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