Saturday, January 11, 2014

India's PARAM Yuva-II ranks 44th among world's most power efficient supercomputers

India's PARAM Yuva-II ranks 44th among world's most power efficient supercomputers
India's supercomputer PARAM Yuva II, developed by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), has bagged 44th rank among the world's most power efficient computer systems, according to a Green500 List announced at the Supercomputing Conference (SC 2013) in Denver, US. The PARAM Yuva II supercomputer has been ranked no.1 in India and no. 9 in the the Asia Pacific Region.
CDAC had unveiled the PARAM Yuva II supercomputer earlier this year. The supercomputer is aimed at helping the scientific community gain a faster way to crunch data. The supercomputer is also energy efficient with approximately 35% reduction in energy consumption, as compared to its predecessors.
“The PARAM Yuva – II uses hybrid technology – processor, co-processor and hardware accelerators - to provide the peak compute power of 520.4 Teraflop/s using 210 kiloWatt power. The interconnect network comprises of homegrown PARAMNet-III and Infiniband FDR System Area Network. This system is designed to solve large and complex computational problems. The system has 200 Terabytes of high performance storage, and requisite system software and utilities for parallel applications development,” says Ministry of Communications & Information Technology in a release.
The Param Yuva-II is believed to be an important step forward in India's efforts to build the world's fastest supercomputer in the world by 2017.

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