Friday, January 24, 2014

South Korea ahead in 5G race

South Korea ahead in 5G race
On Wednesday, South Korea's Science ministry announced a $1.5 billion plan to upgrade its network by 2020. Even Huawei and European Union had set the same deadline to upgrade to 5G but their budgets ($600 million and $950 million respectively) sound meager as compared to the one announced by South Korea. The country's ministry in a statement said,“Now it is time to take preemptive action to develop 5G.”
Various countries around the world have been eying the next generation wireless mobile technology. Recent reports pointed that even India was looking forward to working with Israel over the future implementation of “100 times faster than 4G” technology.
Although there is still more than half a decade left till we can see the results, the ministry has already received support of the country's telecom companies and even the mobile manufacturing companies of the country such as LG and Samsung.
Despite the reported initiative taken by the Indian government towards 5G, we can't expect the implementation here to be on par with that of countries like South Korea. The major reason being the difference in geographies of the two and the already existing standard in wireless and broadband technology. South Korea has been one of the most connected countries since 1990s and it has always been ahead in implementing new internet based technologies.
“Download a movie in a second” may seem more like a marketing gimmick but surely it won't be easy to upgrade for any country to upgrade to 5G. The major concern is the amount needed to upgrade wireless infrastructure. But still South Korea's upgrade plan sounds quite measured considering it's trial 5G network which is due to release in 2017 followed by full roll-out in 2020.
Growing number of mobile users in India will likely mean great future for telecom companies and mobile phone manufacturers as there is a huge market available in India.

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