Narendra Modi has launched an 'India272+' Android app to get the magic figure of 272 in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The app is aimed at 12 crore first time voters, who will be cast their votes in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections scheduled to take place in May 2014. According to Modi's website, the application is available on the Google Play Store and can be downloaded for free by Android users.
The app allows the general public to interact with Modi about issues raised in his speeches as well as allows party members and volunteers to interact with each other and share their ideas. They can also publish media files and photographs as well as share the discussions on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
"Shri Modi welcomed the innovative use of technology in expanding the larger BJP family and seeking the contribution of the volunteers. He shared that he has gained immensely from the feedback received from the volunteers and added that he looked forward to receiving more such feedback in the coming days," party's press brief stated.
Narendra Modi stated that the app will go a long way in strengthening the bond between existing volunteers as well as the general public. Modi Tweeted, "Launched India 272+ mobile app. the app will further empower volunteers to contribute easily, effectively and creatively."
Narendra Modi fans have recently launched an online shopping site called 'The Namo Store' which will sell Modi-inspired merchandise. The store started by Ahmadabad-based Ketan Amichand Vora will sell a variety of things including t-shirts, jackets, stationary items like letter pads, pen drives, etc ranging from Rs 15 to Rs 450. Moreover, his followers have launched NaMo-branded device - Smart Namo, and a game called Modi Run.
272+ app is available on Google Play store
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