Monday, May 12, 2014

Izitru to help users verify the authenticity of photos

Izitru, pronounced a bit like "is it true," is a new service that lets you upload a photo and analyze it to check whether it has been modified. The free service makes it easier for honest photographers to prove the authenticity of their images.
Izitru has been launched by a startup called Fourandsix, and gives simplistic results, telling you if the image is an original or has been modified after being extracted out of the camera. The image will help photographers who just took a potentially viral picture in proving to people whether it's real.
To use the service, a photographer can upload a photo through the web site or an iPhone app. After uploading, Izitru runs a battery of 6 forensic tests that can identify editing or authenticity of the picture including devise signature analysis, double JPEG detection, JPEG structure analysis, sensor pattern analysis, JPEG coefficient analysis and JPEG ghost detection. It then posts a version of the photo with its trustworthiness rating. Izitru will create a dedicated page for the photo that displays one of five trust levels: high, medium, potential file modification, undetermined file history and no trust.
"Our intent behind Izitru is to try to address things right at the source. Can we start at the beginning when somebody is first posting that file and certify it on the way out?" said Chief Executive Kevin Connor. "Anyone who cares enough about having people believe their photo can post it to Izitru and share it through whatever service they want, like Facebook or Twitter."

Source: CNET

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