Thursday, August 14, 2014

Five technologies that will get a facelift with Virtual Reality

Five technologies that will get a facelift with Virtual Reality
Enough about phones, tablets and other electronics, if you really want to talk about next-gen technology, then virtual reality is the main contender. Facebook recently bought Oculus VR, the company behind a virtual reality headset known as the Oculus Rift. Sony has its Project Morpheus, where it is working on a similar technology. The Oculus Rift though is ahead of the Japanese company, with there already being talks about its integration into e-commerce etc. Virtual reality will have major implications in many arenas in future and here are the top five to get a makeover.
Social Networking
Imagine going to your friend's timeline and actually roaming around it, or rather, virtually. Instead of clicking on the About, Profile and other tabs, you may be able to get a virtual feel of the timeline. Here’s an example,
Game Controllers
When the Nintendo Wii brought its Wii-motes, it was considered a big change in the gaming arena. But take a look at this,
Remember Johhny Quest? Well, virtual reality hasn’t advanced to that yet, but the Occulus Rift is perhaps the closest we have come to it. Gaming would definitely be part of the change when virtual reality truly comes to town.
For the Star Trek nuts, the Holodeck was one of the best things ever. Well, with VR, scientists have come one step closer to taking you anywhere without leaving your room, virtually.

Virtual reality could have major implications for the e-commerce industry. If you have watched the Facebook video above, you would notice how the marketplace can be integrated into a VR headset like the Occulus Rift. Now imagine Amazon doing the same to their store.

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