Lava has launched a new smartphone that is aimed at selfie enthusiasts. Called the Iris X5, the new Lava smartphone has a 5MP front-facing camera with auto focus, BSI+ camera sensor, 84 degree wide angle lense and LED flash. Priced at Rs. 8799, the smartphone has an 8MP rear camera with auto focus and BSI 2 camera sensor.
The Lava Iris X5 has a 5-inch 720p IPS display. It runs Android 4.4 KitKat and is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor along with 1GB of RAM. The smartphone has 8GB of ROM and supports microSD for additional space up to 32GB.
For connectivity, the X5 supports dual-SIM, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v3.0 and micro- USB v2.0.
Speaking about the new launch, Mr. Hari Om Rai, Chairman & Managing Director, LAVA International said “At Lava, we are constantly channelizing our energies to develop innovative products that cater to various set of consumers at attractive prices. With the enthralling response that we got from users for X1 we decided to come up with another unique offering for our consumers. Iris X5 is a high quality camera smartphone with a best in class front camera that aptly suits the needs of the selfie crazy generation. Through our latest device, we aim to further build a strong portfolio of mid-range smartphones in the X series and deliver on our mission of empowering people to do more and be more.”
The new Lava smartphone will compete against Karbonn's Titanium S19 that features 13MP rear camera with Sony BSI sensor and a 5MP front-camera enabled with IR film. The smartphone is competitively priced at Rs. 8999.
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