At an event in New Delhi today, Motorola launched the highly awaited Moto X (Gen 2) Android smartphone and the Moto 360 smartwatch, along with the Moto G (Gen 2) Android smartphone. While the prices for the Moto X (Gen 2, formerly rumoured as the Moto X+1) and the Moto 360 have yet to be revealed, Motorola stated that both the smartphone and the smartwatch will be launched later this month in India and that the pricing details will be disclosed at that point.
The Moto X (Gen 2) is the successor to the Moto X, which, although highly appreciated by reviewers, failed to create much of a splash among consumers in India. The new Moto X sports a 5.2-inch full HD (1920x1080p) display and is powered by a 2.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 SoC and 2GB of RAM. Imaging is handled by a 13MP primary camera that’s capable of shooting 4K video and a 2MP front camera. Although the Moto X does offer 16GB of internal storage, the lack of microSD card support will definitely put off potential buyers. All of the hardware runs on a 2300mAh battery.
The new Moto X comes as a definite upgrade to its predecessor. Last year’s Moto X had a 4.7-in 720p display and was powered by a 1.7GHz dual-core Snapdragon Krait processor. It also had a 10MP camera capable of shooting 1080p videos.
The Moto 360 smartwatch is the latest Android wearable device to hit the market. It is a modern and sleek looking device with a circular face that sports a 1.5-in Gorilla Glass 3 covered LCD display with a resolution of 320 x 290 pixels. The smartwatch runs on a 320mAh battery that Motorola claims will “last all day” on a single charge, which, though is meant to be a boast, doesn’t actually sound like one. The Moto 360 is powered by a TI OMAP 3 processor and 512MB of RAM and offers 4GB of internal storage. It’s also IP67 rated for water resistance which means it will hold up alright under rain.
The 16GB Moto X (Gen 2) has been given a price-tag of $499 which means that it could be priced around the Rs. 30,000 mark, which will make it more expensive than the old Moto X. The Moto 360 smartwatch is priced at $250, that points to a Rs. 15,000 price-point in India.
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